Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My messy quilting room (again)

I am constantly cleaning my quilting room. I can make a mess of it in as few as 10 minutes. I usually clean between projects but I didn't this time. Also, I have finally ran out of room for my fabrics. I have a bunch of Civil War fabric just sitting on three tubs of fabric. One of the tubs is just Civil War fabric. I love that fabric. I know it's not modern or flowery, but it makes a killer quilt.


  1. It is fun to get a peak into your room! I am constantly moving things around and cleaning too!
    Quilting by the River

  2. What a great room for patchwork.I liked the device for sewing thread count photo № 2 . Number of fabric I just struck photo №3.The fabric just gorgeous!Stitch on the quilt is made carefully photo № 4 .How do you get beautiful quilted blanket?
